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Seeing the Signs of a Learning Disability

By: Delana H Stewart Many times students  have learning needs or special needs that go undiagnosed.  Oftentimes, those working with these students do not know the signs to look for. According to Paul Burden in his book Classroom Management, “a specific learning disability is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes…

delayed learner, student learning, boy and teacher, boy writing, boy drawing

Special Needs or Just a Phase?

[Formerly Posted as Recognizing Special Needs] –Delana H Stewart Undiagnosed Learning Needs Many times students in homeschool and national school environments have learning needs or special needs that go undiagnosed.  Oftentimes, this is because those of us working with these students do not know the signs to look for.  We just think our child or…

climbing stairs, girl running stairs, girl with ADD

ADD and Things Kids Say

–-Delana H. Stewart Sometimes it is nice to know you are not alone in child raising, parenting, educating, and/or dealing with children who have ADHD, dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome, other learning challenges or neurological disorders. Three years ago in 2010, I wrote the following post. *********************************************************************************************************************************** With my teenagers now out of the house, much of…

Developmental Delays and Educational Success

–Delana H. Stewart Have you noticed or have others commented to you that your baby, preschooler, or school-aged child is several months or more behind his peers? Does your son or daughter exhibit delayed motor skills, delayed speech, unusual mannerisms or obsessions? Keys to Success Early Detection According to Dr. Linda Kreger Silverman, author of…

DIY — Get your brain in gear — Do Something!

–Delana H. Stewart Yesterday, I talked with a mom whose child receives Occupational Therapy for sensory processing and sensory integration. She talked about the benefits she’s noticed, not just from the therapy but from physical activity (in her child’s life and in her own life). A couple of month’s ago, I had the privilege of…

Help for Children with Central Auditory Language Processing Disorders

https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Education-Cafe/243238679083084 (The sources for the following information are provided in links or brackets after the given information.  More information can be found by clicking on the links given in this article.) What is CAPD/CALPD/APD and what are the symptoms? Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a learning disability that can cause a child to have…

Recognizing Learning Disabilities

A Biblical Perspective By: Bev We don’t have any record of children with learning disabilities in the Bible, but we do have three examples of children who were set apart before birth and their parents were asked to raise them differently: Jesus—born of a virgin and the Son of the Most High, Samson and John…

Helping Students with Learning Challenges Be Academically Successful

Delana H Stewart   Year-by-year as parents/teachers grow to learn their students’ learning styles, personalities, interests, and abilities, a mural begins to take shape demonstrating and defining how each particular student is shaped.  Each year parents/teachers should reassess and reevaluate where a student is and where the student is headed.  All students should be gently…

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Diagnosing ADD/ADHD

By: Beverly S As a public school educator for 21 years, you can guess that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was often part of my conversations with co-teachers and also with parents.  As a counselor I entered a new realm of experience, as I gave initial surveys to parents and…

Support Service Links

Links are provided for you to explore and are not necessarily recommended by The Education Cafe. SHARE AERC Anchor Education Learning Resource Center–Cairo British Institute for Learning Development–Dubai Lexicon Reading Center (learning needs’ assessments, parent workshops, more)–Dubai Behavioral Optometrist from California living in Moscow (specializes in vision therapy for slow and poor reading comprehension, dyslexia,…

Recognizing Special Needs

Delana H Stewart Many times students in home school and national school environments have learning needs or special needs that go undiagnosed.  Oftentimes, this is because those of us working with these students do not know the signs to look for.  We just think our child or student is going through a phase or is…