cycling power light bulb, science cycle

Are You Taking Care of Their Hearts?

increased activity increases life expectancy and produces many overall physical, psychological, and social benefits. Physical activity can help children and adults with controlling weight, reducing blood pressure, raising good cholesterol, reducing the risk of diabetes and some kinds of cancer, as well as helping children gain self-confidence.

digging holes, climbing, working, fitness

Back to Nature, part 4: P.E., Music, Art and the nPod

Are your children receiving the most benefits from a well-balanced education including P.E., Music, and Art? Do you know how these affect academic learning? Is organized sports and normal gym classes the most beneficial way to receive physical education? This is my final discussion on Richard Louv ’s book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder (LC). I have had many parents, particularly those who homeschool (but also those in national schools), write me about the challenges of finding ways to involve their children in physical education and the arts.

DIY — Get your brain in gear — Do Something!

–Delana H. Stewart Yesterday, I talked with a mom whose child receives Occupational Therapy for sensory processing and sensory integration. She talked about the benefits she’s noticed, not just from the therapy but from physical activity (in her child’s life and in her own life). A couple of month’s ago, I had the privilege of…

Links on Adolescence, Puberty, and Growth Spurts–

Adolescent Growth and Development This is an interesting article on the physical, cognitive, and psycho-social development of teens. It offers some good suggestion to parents and teachers for helping and encouraging teens during the development of each of these phases.  It answers questions such as why teens say things like: “My life is ruined!” or…

Motivating Your Kids to Exercise

  Make exercise fun. (Find something active that your child truly enjoys doing —then she will want to do it.) Set a good example. (Show your kids that exercise is an important part of your own life). Exercise with your kids. (The best motivator is getting outside with your kids). Turn off the television. (Or,…