Living in a Hostile Environment

By: Delana H Stewart Third Culture Kids and hostile environments. Just open a news site in your web browser and you will see hostile environments left and right: Ukraine, Syria, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. How can parents help their children process what they are hearing, seeing, being exposed to on a daily…

kids and TV, watching television, snoopy TV

Does Too Much Television Watching Damage the Developing Brain?

–Delana H. Stewart If you have a child 5 and under you will definitely want to see this. If you have any children or grandchildren that you love and care about, you will likely be interested. If you are the type of person who needs to see scientific data and visuals to believe something, watch…

kids and cell phones, iphones, texting, sexting

Cancer and Cell Phone Use

—Delana H. Stewart In the doctor’s office a year and a half ago I read “Wake-up Call”–an article in Parenting Early Years magazine (May 2011)—which discussed the risks of cancer to toddlers and teens caused by cell phone usage. They cited a study done in 2008 in Sweden which stated that children and teens were…

sisters, friends, shared view

Back to Nature, part 3: Nature Therapy and ADHD

As parents, we know that kids today spend less time outside playing and much more time sitting indoors in front of televisions, computers, or game machines. One day, a fellow education consultant told me about Richard Louv ’s book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder (LC). This piqued my curiosity, so I picked up a copy and began to wonder even more about the effects of technology on our children’s generation. Louv cites studies

hiking, walking, mountain climbing

Back to Nature, part 1: A Review of “Last Child in the Woods”

Book Review: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv . . . intrigued me as I wondered about my own family and whether or not we suffered the effects of not being in nature enough. Through the years research has certainly been done to show the benefits of nature on hospital patients, office workers, and stressed-out travelers in busy international airports. Mr. Louv provides additional

The Nature Zone–A Review of “The Nature Principle”

By: Delana H Stewart Do you desire for yourself or your children: A sharper mind? A stronger immune system? Less stress? More energy and strength? Better instincts? Enriched creativity, imagination, inspiration? Increased patience? Heightened senses? Greater sense of satisfaction with life? An edge in a competitive job market? A healthy and fit body? Relief from…

Sexting, Cyberbullies, “Playing Doctor,” and Stranger Danger

By: Delana S “Your five-year-old daughter is playing in her room with a couple of friends. You hear a lot of giggling and squealing. When you open the door to check on the kids, you find them sitting on the floor with their panties off, pointing at and touching each other’s genitals….” begins a booklet…

Homework Helps–Free online video lessons in all subjects

A site review by Delana S I recently discovered educational streaming lessons on the discovery education site. If you have good internet capabilities these lessons might be helpful for supplementing. Though the main page of this site requires pass code and login, the homework help page listed below does not. There are video lessons in…

textbooks, books, eighth grade, reading, free books

Online Textbooks for Middle School and High School

US History “An interactive, multimedia history of the United States from the Revolution to the present.” [As of 9/30/2010–most of the links on the digital history site are accessible for free.] Pre-Algebra [Note: As of 9/30/2010 this link is a free online Pre-Algebra text.] Note: The classzone online books are NOT free. Algebra…

Brain Development of Youth

Delana S Recently, I watched a video interview of Dr. Daniel Amen on the topic of brain development.  This was one lecture in a series of counseling lectures by various authors to fulfill the requirement of a counseling course.  It did not surprise me that this particular lecture especially fascinated me, as our family recently…