Third Culture Kids links on other blogs/website

Who or What is a TCK?

US Dept of State page on TCKs

Grandparenting Expats: Tips and Tools for Long Distance Grandmas and Grandpas


graduation, college, career

Career Interviews and the Third Culture Kid

I came across a great article recently with tips for TCKs applying for jobs (particularly after college graduation). Bethany Clarke, the writer of the article Making the Most of Your TCK Experience When Applying for a Job, begins by saying:

passport, poetry, third culture

I’m From….

Originally posted on Communicating.Across.Boundaries :
I’m From…by Robynn and Adelaide Adelaide is a sophomore in high school. She’s in grade 10. The Language Arts teacher wanted them to write a poem introducing themselves to her and to the class. It was a simple assignment. Five short stanzas. Two lines each. Begin each stanza with,…

cap and gown, grads, graduation

Parenting and Teaching TCKs

Arrogant or Confident? Depends on who’s asking . . . Parents and Teachers of TCKs and TCKs themselves will be blessed by the honesty and vulnerability with which Cecily Paterson shares her experience as a TCK and dealing with the topic of arrogance. Not only do TCKs fall into this predicament, but adults living and…

2 thoughts on “TCK

  1. Pingback: Tips for TCKs Transitioning to University | The Education Cafe

  2. Pingback: Updated Page Tabs | The Education Cafe

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